About Fast Finesse
The documentary "Fast Finesse; The Passion Behind Motocross" will be directed, shot, written and produced by Leisa Coffman. Leisa has an Avant-Garde approach to filmmaking and will be bringing something rather unique to the plate in her approach to show the passion behind it. Leisa states, "I see such incredible finessing that inspires me creatively, which is what inspired the name of the documentary. When I see the racers moving with the flow of energy and with such finesse required to work with the law of gravity it is truly invigorating. I'm super excited to show this sport in a unique way and also along with that share unique inspirations by my unusual approach of questions and editing those into the film, from a variety of known and unknown racers that are passionate in their love for this incredibly beautiful extreme sport."
The Documentary will be 48 minutes with four, three-minute sponsorship advertisements throughout. Potential sponsors may contact us for details. (This project has been paused TBA)